Christmas Conference: Konference pod stromeček 2024

The traditional Christmas conference “Konference pod stromeček” this time on the topic “Myšlenky, které mění svět” – “Ideas that change the world”. How to keep going, keep enjoying exploring the world and coming up with new ideas and thoughts? What motivates and inspires us and what kind of environment do we need to bring new scientific ideas to life? This is what we will be discussing at this year’s “Konference pod stromeček” #KPS2024 – a traditional pre-Christmas gathering of Czech scientists working abroad. We will meet in Prague and online and the whole event will be held in Czech.

Our traditional Christmas conference “Konference pod stromeček” is held in Czech language and is intended mainly for

  • Czech scientists working abroad who are coming to Czechia for Christmas break,

but also for

  • Czech scientists who have already returned from abroad – because their stories can be a great inspiration,
  • Czech scientists who are just about to leave – because they are the future czexpats, but at the moment they may have a lot of questions that can be answered at the conference,
  • Czech scientists who want to meet the international community,
  • students who are currently studying for their bachelor’s or master’s degree abroad – because they too can join the ranks of czexpats,
  • representatives of institutions involved in linking Czech and foreign science – because they can help.

For events held in English visit our English events website.

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